We’re excited to announce that Galois spin-off Tozny is releasing their latest product, InnoVault. InnoVault enables developers to protect sensitive user data they collect simply by adding a few lines of code. It provides simple scripts for fronted code, easy SDKs on the backend, and an API with secure cloud storage behind it. Tozny spun off from Galois […]
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Project award by Office of Naval Research (ONR) will focus on protecting real-time and embedded military software systems by making them resilient to attack Galois today announced that it has been awarded a $2.7 million contract by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to leverage software brittleness for cyber defense. Modern military systems involve a […]
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Federal News Radio
What is the single best thing that military and civilian government agencies can do in their search for an all-in-one cybersecurity solution? Simple: Give up hope. As counterintuitive as that may sound, there is no magic bullet that will solve all our cybersecurity challenges. A sufficiently-motivated and capable adversary will get around our defenses, given […]
Network World
FHE allows for conducting more complex functions than Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption. “There’s more and more data available,” Archer says. “And people are recognizing, maybe not for the first time, that it’s important to keep that data private, yet it would be great if we could get utility out of it.” A researcher studying the opioid […]
The High Confidence Software and Systems (HCSS) conference brings together researchers and organizations on the cutting-edge of safety-, security- and mission-critical applications and is now in its second decade. The main themes of HCSS 2017 are Privacy, Assurance for AI, Industrialization of Formal Methods, and Technology and Model Cross-over. If you are attending, Galois and […]
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RAMPARTS initiative to explore feasibility of leveraging fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) to secure data processing in untrusted environments Galois announced today that it has been awarded a $1 million contract by The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, to explore the feasibility of securing data while […]
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Galois, an R&D organization that specializes in developing innovative security technologies today announced its first Dayton office, reflecting a commitment to driving technology innovation in Ohio and expanding the support it provides to defense agencies and commercial organizations throughout the region. Headquartered in Portland, OR, Dayton is Galois’s third U.S. location. Galois has signed a […]
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Email was initially created without security in mind and we’ve paid for it ever since by continually bolting fixes onto it, said Isaac Potoczny-Jones, research lead at Galois. But the complexity of connected vehicle systems has created pushback on the issue of cybersecurity, he noted. “Innovative areas like this have a real challenge in baking nonfunctional requirements like cybersecurity into the basis of their systems,” Potoczny-Jones said. “But just because there’s no value today in attackers targeting these systems that there won’t be value tomorrow. We don’t know what we’re up against tomorrow. Things change. They will start to target these systems.”
Galois today announced two benchmark challenges – sponsored by DARPA – that invite competitive submissions able to break the security of program obfuscation technology designed to prevent software ‘reverse engineering.’ The challenges are part of DARPA’s SafeWare program that funds research aimed to make software less susceptible to being hacked or compromised. The challenges are […]
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Network World
Specifically, Galois will develop its Prattle system for the Air Force. Galois describes Prattle as a system that generates traffic that misleads an attacker that has penetrated a network: making them doubt what they have learned, or to cause them to make mistakes that increase their likelihood of being detected sooner.