Galois Finishes REVERSER Project, Resulting in Automation and Efficiency Gains in Verification Tools

For decades, Galois has used mathematically rigorous formal verification techniques to establish the correctness of systems where failures could have severe consequences, such as safety-critical applications in aerospace, medical devices, cryptographic algorithms, blockchain, and autonomous vehicles. The process offers the highest possible levels of assurance—a must for critical systems—but is very time and labor-intensive.  This […]

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Galois Releases CAMET Base Pack Comprehensive Bundle 

Over the past few months, our CAMET users let us know that they wanted a simple one-download option for installing the CAMET Base Pack, as well as the ability to install CAMET tools without internet access. We listened to that feedback and created the CAMET Base Pack Comprehensive Bundle in response. Galois this week released […]

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SIEVE Circuit IR Version 2.1.0 Release

Galois is excited to announce that the latest SIEVE Circuit IR (Intermediate Representation) specification has been released! The SIEVE Circuit IR is a standardized format for encoding zero-knowledge proof statements as arithmetic or boolean circuits. Galois and collaborators at Stealth Software, QED-IT, Cybernetica, Georgia Tech, Georgetown University, Northwestern University, SRI, and Boston University have developed […]

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Galois Releases CAMET Base Pack 1.5.1

Galois is excited to announce the release of CAMET Base Pack 1.5.1, which adds support for bidirectional SysML 1.x <-> AADL translation, fully offline installation, and a variety of updates and enhancements to the most popular CAMET tools. The CAMET* Library is a subscription-based suite of model-based systems engineering (MBSE) tools. With this curated collection, […]

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Galois Releases New Version of FRIGATE

Galois this week announced the release of FRIGATE version 0.3.0. Galois’s FRIGATE program automates and formalizes safety assessments developed at NASA for the Space Launch System (SLS). This latest update provides formal single and redundant sensor coverage analysis. Why is this an exciting change? In short, the process of evaluating a system design for sensor […]

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Galois Releases New Versions of Verification Tools Cryptol, Crux, and SAW

Galois this week announced the release of Cryptol 3.0.0, Crux 0.7, and SAW 1.0. This significant update brings extensive overhauls and new features—an exciting leap forward for our core verification tools. Cryptol, a language for writing and specifying cryptographic algorithms, now sports a significantly more expressive module system, declarations that may use numeric constraint guards, […]

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Galois’s SysML to AADL Bridge Tool Now Bi-Directional

Galois is excited to announce that the CAMET Library SysML to AADL Bridge Tool is now bi-directional. The System Modeling Language (SysML) was developed for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), allowing users to specify, analyze, design, verify, and validate a broad range of complex systems, from civil engineering projects to organization operations. The Architecture Analysis and […]

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Galois Announces Formal Specifications for Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms

Galois has formally specified new algorithms recommended by the National Security Agency (NSA) for the Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite (CNSA 2.0). These post-quantum (PQ) cryptographic algorithms were previously approved by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).   This work was part of the Quantum Secure Architectures Fit for Embedded devices (QSAFE) project, funded […]

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Demonstrating Rigid Digital Engineering for Nuclear Power Plant Systems 

The technology powering a nuclear power plant system’s software and hardware must be safe, correct, and secure. It would be disastrous if any adversary – whether anonymous individuals or nation-states – gained control of these systems. Galois’s first project for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), High Assurance Rigorous Digital Engineering for Nuclear Safety (HARDENS), aims […]

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