Bringing Zero Knowledge Proofs to the Masses

The arcane world of cryptographic proofs seldom finds expression on the dashboard of your average automobile, but a partnership between Galois and Cybernetica is steering the state of the art in privacy-preserving technology towards the road less traveled—in Estonia, to be precise. In 2020, Estonia’s Environmental Investment Centre introduced a public program to encourage the […]

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Subverting Censorship: How a Galois-developed Android App Could Change the Game for Pro-Democracy Activists

For pro-democracy activists living under authoritarian regimes, communication can be a tricky – and often dangerous – endeavor. Posting dissident messages to social media, sending an email, or texting a friend or colleague can risk interception by vigilant government agents, censorship, and even jail time. Over the past few years, Galois has been developing, in […]

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2023: Year in Review

As 2023 draws to a close, we take a moment to look back. It’s been a jam-packed year for Galois, from software releases to research breakthroughs. Our intrepid team of engineers and scientists has published papers, led workshops, served on committees and boards, presented at conferences, led science communication efforts, and spearheaded truly cutting edge […]

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The Galois Internship Experience: Himanshu Goyal

In our latest blog post, we chat with Georgia Tech master’s student Himanshu Goyal about his internship experience at Galois. Here, Himanshu discusses his passion for software systems, Galois’s unique culture, and how his internship experience helped hone his engineering and research skills. Read on to learn more about Himanshu’s journey. Why Galois? How did […]

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Using AI to Combat Illegal Fishing 

Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing represents a significant global threat to our shared natural resources, undermining the sustainability of fish stocks, damaging ocean ecosystems, and robbing nations of their natural heritage and economic foundation. Nowhere is this challenge more acute than in the Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR), a biodiversity hotspot of extreme ecological significance. […]

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Cryptol, SAW, and the Galois Origin Story

Among the many tales of innovation and impact to come from Galois over the years, the origin story of Cryptol and SAW is perhaps the most closely tied with that of the company itself. Today, these open-source verification tools have been used in national security, fintech, and cloud computing applications to keep citizens, systems, and […]

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The Galois Internship Experience: Mason Read

We recently caught up with Mason Read, a computer science undergraduate at UC Irvine who just wrapped up his third consecutive summer internship with Galois. It was a great opportunity for him to share some insights from his experience working on diverse projects, his personal and professional growth during his time with us, and his […]

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