Diversity and Accessibility at POPL 2022

I first attended POPL, the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, in Rome, as a first-year grad student in 2013. It was my first real experience in the programming languages (PL) community. My undergraduate advisor presented a paper I had co-authored at a co-located workshop. I attended the programming languages mentoring workshop (PLMW), […]

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The 2021 Galois Balloween Workshop

We recently hosted the 2021 Galois Balloween Workshop. This year it was held virtually, but we hope to have attendees join us in one of our offices next time. We have all attended so many virtual events in the last year and a half, so we wanted to make this workshop fun, hence the name Balloween. […]

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Introducing the Building Better Systems podcast

Shpat Morina and I are happy to introduce the new Galois podcast, Building Better Systems. We put this podcast together to provide us an opportunity to have deep, directed discussions with anyone who wants to build better systems. We’re approaching the challenge from two sides. We want to know what challenges people face today and […]

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Coffeebot: a tool for having hallway conversations while working remotely

  • Annie Cherkaev

Since the onset of working remotely, we’ve built a program at Galois called Coffeebot to help facilitate virtual “coffee chats” in support of maintaining our culture through spontaneous exchanges. Today we’re releasing Coffeebot, and we’re happy to share it along with simple instructions on how to set-up your own! Percolating the idea As a result […]

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Public Tech Talk – Bringing the power together: Computer, Data, Subject knowledge — CANCELED

This tech talk has been canceled and will be rescheduled. We apologize for the inconvenience! Abstract: Computational science uses a computer’s super power and mathematical algorithms to solve large-scale scientific problems. Data science explores information from large quantity heterogeneous datasets to gain insights and build forecast models with statistical methods. Wouldn’t it be great to […]

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Matterhorn Experience Report

Since August 2016, Galois has been funding the development of Matterhorn, a Haskell terminal client for the MatterMost chat system. Recently, our core development team—Jonathan Daugherty, Jason Dagit and myself—made the first public release of Matterhorn. In this post we’ll discuss our experience building it. All three of us—as well as several other coworkers—were used […]

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SIMON and SPECK in Cryptol

Last week, the NSA published two families of lightweight block ciphers, SIMON and SPECK: http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/404 We’ve formally specified both ciphers in Cryptol: https://github.com/GaloisInc/cryptol/blob/master/examples/contrib/simon.cry https://github.com/GaloisInc/cryptol/blob/master/examples/contrib/speck.cry The following sections explore some applications of our specifications. Parameters SIMON and SPECK are cipher families: each algorithm in the family offers different security and performance based on parameters such as […]

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