Proofs Should Repair Themselves

In his 1900 book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum tells a story that will resonate with any software engineer. A woodman by the name of Nick Chopper suffers a series of workplace accidents. In turn, his arms, legs, body, and even his head are replaced by metal prosthetics. Eventually, what remains is […]

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Introducing the Building Better Systems podcast

Shpat Morina and I are happy to introduce the new Galois podcast, Building Better Systems. We put this podcast together to provide us an opportunity to have deep, directed discussions with anyone who wants to build better systems. We’re approaching the challenge from two sides. We want to know what challenges people face today and […]

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Automated Reasoning as an Annoying Child

This blog is the second in a series of posts about a joint project between Galois, Supranational, The Ethereum Foundation, and Protocol labs verifying the blst signature library. You can find the first post here. It’s a combination of my bad jokes and an overview of what we’re trying to achieve.  It’s happening already. The […]

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Demo: Symbolic Testing of Rust using Crux

The standard development tools for the Rust language provide a convenient mechanism for embedding tests within your code that can then be automatically run using the `cargo test` command. This video shows how to migrate from testing to verification of Rust programs by converting a standard Rust test to use Galois’ Crux tool. Crux can […]

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Demo: Control SAW From Any Language

  • David Christiansen

The Software Analysis Workbench (SAW) is one of Galois’s flagship verification tools. SAW has been used to verify important, real-world cryptographic algorithms, such as AES block cipher, the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). We have used this to verify existing, widely used libraries such as libgcrypt and Bouncy Castle. […]

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LINK: A $1M DARPA Contract to Help Scientists Build Better Multiphysics Models

  • Charisee Chiw

We’re pleased to announce Galois’s LINK project, part of DARPA’s Computable Models (COMPMods) program. The project aims to make it easier for scientists to build multiphysics models with an end-to-end, automatic, and portable solution.  Multiphysics models are challenging to create, customize, and reuse. One problem is the software and hardware are often outdated, which makes […]

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Galois Team Wraps Up the Jana Project

After four and a half years of work on the DARPA I2O Brandeis Program, we are excited to announce the completion of Jana, a project which set out to develop accessible privacy-preserving data as a service (PDaaS) to protect the privacy of data subjects while retaining data utility to users.  The Galois-led Jana project aimed […]

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