Viewing Results for "verification" (15 of 16 Pages)

Copilot: a DSL for Monitoring Embedded Systems

Introducing Copilot

Can you write a list in Haskell? Then you can write embedded C code using Copilot. Here’s a Copilot program that computes the Fibonacci sequence (over Word 64s) and tests for even a numbers:

fib :: Streamsfib = do"fib" .= [0,1] ++ var "fib" + (drop 1 $ varW64 "fib")"t" .= even (var "fib")where even :: Spec Word64 -> Spec Booleven w = w `mod` const 2 == const 0

Copilot contains an interpreter, a compiler, and uses a model-checker to check the correctness of your program. The compiler generates constant time and constant space C code via Tom Hawkin’s Atom Language (thanks Tom!). Copilot is specifically developed to write embedded software monitors for more complex embedded systems, but it can be used to develop a variety of functional-style embedded code.Executing

> compile fib "fib" baseOpts

generates fib.c and fib.h (with a main() for simulation—other options change that). We can then run

> interpret fib 100 baseOpts

to check that the Copilot program does what we expect. Finally, if we have CBMC installed, we can run

> verify "fib.c"

to prove a bunch of memory safety properties of the generated program.Galois has open-sourced Copilot (BSD3 licence).  More information is available on the Copilot homepage.  Of course, it’s available from Hackage, too.

Flight of the Navigator

Aberdeen Farms entranceView of the James River.Pitot tube on the test aircraft.Our testbed stack: 4 STM32 microcontrollers (ARM Cortex M3s), an SD card for logging data, air pressure sensor, and voltage regulator.Sebastian installing the stack.Copilot took its maiden flight in August 2010 in Smithfield, Virginia. NASA rents a private airfield for test flights like this, but you have to get past the intimidating sign posted upon entering the airfield. However, once you arrive, there’s a beautiful view of the James River.We were flying on a RC aircraft that NASA Langley uses to conduct a variety of Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) experiments. (It coincidentally had Galois colors!)  Our experiments for Copilot were to determine its effectiveness at detecting faults in embedded guidance, navigation, and control software.  The test-bed we flew was a partially fault-tolerant pitot tube (air pressure) sensor.  Our pitot tube sat at the edge of the wing.  Pitot tubes are used on commercial aircraft and they’re a big deal: a number of aircraft accidents and mishaps have been due, in part, to pitot tube failures.Our experiment consisted of a beautiful hardware stack, crafted by Sebastian Niller of the Technische Universität Ilmenau.  Sebastian also led the programming for the stack.  The stack consisted of four STM32 ARM Cortex M3 microprocessors.  In addition, there was an SD card for writing flight data, and power management. The stack just fit into the hull of the aircraft. Sebastian installed our stack in front of another stack used by NASA on the same flights.The microprocessors were arranged to provide Byzantine fault-tolerance on the sensor values.  One microprocessor acted as the general, receiving inputs from the pitot tube and distributing those values to the other microprocessors.  The other microprocessors would exchange their values and perform a fault-tolerant vote on them.  Granted, the fault-tolerance was for demonstration purposes only: all the microprocessors ran off the same clock, and the sensor wasn’t replicated (we’re currently working on a fully fault-tolerant system). During the flight tests, we injected (in software) faults by having intermittently incorrect sensor values distributed to various nodes.The pitot sensor system (including the fault-tolerance code) is a hard real-time system, meaning events have to happen at predefined deadlines. We wrote it in a combination of Tom Hawkin’s Atom, a Haskell DSL that generates C, and C directly.Integrated with the pitot sensor system are Copilot-generated monitors. The monitors detected

  • unexpected sensor values (e.g., the delta change is too extreme),
  • the correctness of the voting algorithm (we used Boyer-Moore majority voting, which returns the majority only if one exists; our monitor checked whether a majority indeed exists), and
  • whether the majority votes agreed.

The monitors integrated with the sensor system without disrupting its real-time behavior.We gathered data on six flights.  In between flights, we’d get the data from the SD card.We took some time to pose with the aircraft. The Copilot team from left to right is Alwyn Goodloe, National Institute of Aerospace; Lee Pike, Galois, Inc.; Robin Morisset, École Normale Supérieure; and Sebastian Niller, Technische Universität Ilmenau. Robin and Sebastian are Visiting Scholars at the NIA for the project. Thanks for all the hard work!There were a bunch of folks involved in the flight test that day, and we got a group photo with everyone. We are very thankful that the researchers at NASA were gracious enough to give us their time and resources to fly our experiments. Thank you!Finally, here are two short videos. The first is of our aircraft’s takeoff during one of the flights. Interestingly, it has an electric engine to reduce the engine vibration’s effects on experiments.

Untitled from Galois Video on Vimeo.

The second is of AirStar, which we weren’t invo
lved in, but that also flew the same day. AirStar is a scaled-down jet (yes, jet) aircraft that was really loud and really fast. I’m posting its takeoff, since it’s just so cool. That thing was a rocket!

Untitled from Galois Video on Vimeo.

More Details

Copilot and the flight test is part of a NASA-sponsored project (NASA press-release) led by Lee Pike at Galois.  It’s a 3 year project, and we’re currently in the second year.

Even More Details

Besides the language and flight test, we’ve written a few papers:

  • Lee Pike, Alwyn Goodloe, Robin Morisset, and Sebastian Niller. Copilot: A Hard Real-Time Runtime Monitor. To appear in the proceedings of the 1st Intl. Conference on Runtime Verification (RV’2010), 2010. Springer.

This paper describes the Copilot language.

Byzantine faults are fascinating.  Here’s a 2-page paper that shows one reason why.

At the beginning of our work, we tried to survey prior results in the field and discuss the constraints of the problem.  This report is a bit lengthy (almost 50 pages), but it’s a gentle introduction to our problem space.

Yes, QuickCheck can be used to test low-level protocols.

A short paper motivating the need for runtime monitoring of critical embedded systems.

You’re Still Interested?

We’re always looking for collaborators, users, and we may need 1-2 visiting scholars interested in embedded systems & Haskell next summer.  If any of these interest you, drop Lee Pike a note (hint: if you read any of the papers or download Copilot, you can find my email).

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Tech talk: abcBridge: Functional interfaces for AIGs and SAT solving

Galois is pleased to host the following tech talk. These talks are open to the interested public. Please join us!

abcBridge: Functional interfaces for AIGs and SAT solving (slides, video)
Edward Z. Yang

10:30am, Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Galois Inc.421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, Portland, OR, USA(3rd floor of the Commonwealth building)

SAT solvers are perhaps the most under-utilized high-tech tools that the modern software engineer has at their fingertips. An industrial strength SAT solver can solve most human generated NP-complete problems in time for lunch, and there are many, many practical problem domains which involve NP-complete problems. However, a major roadblock to using a SAT solver in your every day routine is translating your problem into SAT, and then running it on a highly optimized SAT solver, which is probably implemented in C or C++ and not your usual favorite programming language.This talk is about the use, design and implementation of abcBridge, a set of Haskell bindings for ABC, a system for sequential synthesis and verification produced by the Berkeley Logic Synthesis and Verification Group. ABC looks at SAT solving from the following perspective: given two circuits of logic gates (ANDs and NOTs), are they equivalent? ABC is imperative C code: abcBridge provides a pure and type-safe interface for building and manipulating and-inverter graphs. We hope to release abcBridge soon as open source.
Edward Z. Yang is an undergraduate studying computer science at MIT. He has been interning at Galois over the summer and enjoying every second of it. His interests include blogging, functional programming and practical applications of computer science research. You can read his blog at
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Tech Talk: Towards a High-Assurance Runtime System: Certified Garbage Collection

Galois is pleased to host the following tech talk. These talks are open to the interested public. Please join us!

Towards a High-Assurance Runtime System: Certified Garbage Collection
Andrew Tolmach
10:30am, Tuesday, 29 June 2010.
Galois Inc.421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, Portland, OR, USA(3rd floor of the Commonwealth building)
It seems obvious that the reliability of critical software can be improved by using high-level, memory-safe languages (Haskell, ML, Java, C#, etc.). But most existing implementations of these languages rely on large, complex run-time systems coded in C. Using such an RTS leads to a large “credibility gap” at the heart of the assurance argument for the overall system. To fill this gap, we are working to build a new high-assurance run-time system (HARTS), using an approach grounded in machine-assisted verification, with an initial focus on providing certifiably correct garbage collection.This talk will describe a machine-certified framework for correct compilation and execution of programs in garbage-collected languages. Our framework extends Leroy’s Coq-certified Compcert compiler and Cminor intermediate language. We add a new intermediate language, GCminor, that supports GC’ed languages and has a proven semantics-preserving translation to assembly code. GCminor neatly encapsulates the interface between mutator and collector code, while remaining simple and flexible enough to be used with a wide variety of source languages and collector styles. Front ends targeting GCminor can be implemented using any compiler technology and any desired degree of verification, including full semantics preservation, type preservation, or informal trust. As an example application of our framework, we describe a compiler for Haskell that translates the GHC’s Core intermediate language to GCminor. (This is joint work with Andrew McCreight and Tim Chevalier.)
Andrew Tolmach has been a faculty member at Portland State University since receiving his Computer Science from Princeton in 1992. His current research interests, pursued under the aegis of the PSU High Assurance Systems Programming (HASP) project, focus on high-assurance systems software development, in particular using formal verification. His past publications, mostly about functional languages, include work on operating systems in Haskell, garbage collection, compilation, debugger implementation, integration with logic languages, and lazy functional algorithms.
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Tech Talk: The L4.verified Project

Galois is pleased to host the following tech talk. These talks are open to the interested public. Please join us!

IMPORTANT: Please note that this talk is Monday.

The L4.verified Project
Dr. Gerwin Klein
10:30 am, 24 May 2010, Monday

Galois Inc.421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, Portland, OR, USA(3rd floor of the Commonwealth building)
Last year, the NICTA L4.verifed project produced a formal machine-checked Isabelle/HOL proof that the C code of the seL4 OS microkernel correctly implements its abstract implementation. This talk will give an overview of the proof together with its main implications and assumptions, and will show in which kinds of systems this formally verified kernel can be used for gaining assurance on overall system security.
Dr Gerwin Klein is a Principal Researcher at NICTA and Conjoint Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales, Australia. He is working in the area of formal software verification, interactive theorem proving, and operating systems. He is the project leader of L4.verified. He received his PhD in 2003 from Technische Universitaet Munich on the topic of Java Bytecode Verification and has been working in the area of machine-checked formal proof in various projects since 1998.
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Solving n-Queens in Cryptol

The eight queens puzzle asks how to place eight queens on a chess board such that none of them attacks any other. The problem easily generalizes to n queens, using an nxn board. In this post, we’ll see how to solve the n-Queens puzzle in Cryptol, without lifting a finger!

Representing the board

It is easy to see that any solution to the n-Queens puzzle will have precisely one queen on each row and column of the board. Therefore, we can represent the solution as a sequence of n row numbers, corresponding to subsequent columns. For instance, the board pictured below (taken from the wikipedia page), can be represented by the sequence3  7  0  2  5  1  6  4
recording the row of the queen appearing in each consecutive column, starting from the top-left position. (And yes, we always count from 0!)

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POPL 2010, Day 1

Here are some talks that caught my attention on the opening day of POPL 2010.Reconfigurable Asynchronous Logic Automata, Neil GershenfeldIn this invited talk, Neil proposed that we throw out the sequential model of computation from Turing and Von Neumann, and re-imagine computing from the ground up, more along the line of physics as it is manifested in the world. This might be the way forward given the huge power demands that will arise from traditional architectures as they become more and more powerful. Rather than imposing a top-down structure on the machine, Neil propose we consider systems built up from cellular automata. In ALA each cell is able to do a basic logic operation or, in RALA, reconfigure other cells. Built around 2D grids, and computing in parallel without any global clock, the automata are able to compute many basic functions in linear time, including multiplication and sorting (of course, they also take a linear number of cells to do so).What I liked about this talk is that it called on me to think more broadly about the nature of computation. I don’t think I buy the line that how we do computing today is wrong. But I do believe that computing and information theory is going to become more and more important in the development of many other subjects, including physics and biology. I also believe that we will need to harness many more structures to do computing rather than simply relying on gates burned in silicon. Coincidentally, at lunch today Luca Cardelli was telling me about his explorations in computing with DNA. Fascinating stuff!At the lowest levels, the primitive components of computation reflect the computational substrate, so they are very different from one instantiation to another. As primitive computational elements become combined, however, the different descriptions become more abstract, and start to look more and more alike. The same mathematical operations may arise in each form, for example. That makes me wonder what the space of truly computationally-neutral specifications looks like: how might we program in such a way that we really don’t have a preference for what substrate we map the computation onto. We already consider FPGAs, GPUs and CPUs as standard targets for languages like Cryptol. Let’s conceptually add DNA and RALA to the list, and see if that would have us change anything.A Simple, Verified Validator for Software Pipelining, Jean-Baptiste Tristan & Xavier LeroySoftware pipelining is a compiler transformation that reorders loop code to make more efficient use of the CPU and memory accesses. Code from many different iterations of the loop might be drawn together and overlapped to execute out of order, and perhaps in parallel. The question is how to verify that the pipelining has been done correctly.The paper proposes using symbolic evaluation. It describes an equivalence principle which requires proving two separate commutativity properties. These may both be shown by symbolic evaluation of the instruction code, being careful to handle the small differences (such as different temporary variables in the two paths). Overall the process is simple enough that it could be a standard component of any compiler, even if the compiler is non-verifying overall.A Verified Compiler for an Impure Functional Language, Adam ChlipalaHandling object-level variables in proofs is a real pain, one that is hard to eliminate. This paper has an interesting way of dealing with them. It describes a Coq verification of a compiler for Untyped Mini-ML with references and exceptions, compiling to an idealized assembly code.Now, using explicit object variables leads to lots of lemmas about substitution. On the other hand, full higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS) would lead quickly to non-termination, and hence unsoundness. So instead, the paper introduces a closure semantics in which variables are just numbers pointing into a heap. Many operations that would reorder substitutions (and hence require big proofs) don’t affect the closure heap, so the proofs go through easily.The paper also uses a high degree of proof automation: it has a generic proof script that looks at the hypotheses and goals, and decides what approaches to try. The proof script is a bit slow because the evaluation mechanism of Coq wasn’t designed for this particularly (but see my blog post from PADL about accelerating normalization). However, because the proof is highly automatic, it is not hard to evolve the compiler and proof simultaneously. In fact, the compiler and proof were developed incrementally in exactly this way.Verified Just-in-Time Compiler on x86, Magnus MyreenJIT compiling has become standard for accelerating web pages, amongst other things. Good JIT compilers can take into account the input to the program as well as the program itself. But it is hard to get them right, as witnessed apparently by a recent Firefox bug.An aspect that makes verification tricky is that code and data are mixed: a JIT compiler essentially produces self-modifying code. The paper provides a programming logic for self-modifying code by adapting Hoare triples so that there is both “before” and “after” code. Some practical issues also need to be handled: for example, the frame-property has subtleties regarding the instruction cache, and code-updates can sometime happen too recently to show up in the current instruction stream. The x86 documentation is a little vague about how soon code-modifications can be relied on to be present.The end result is a verified JIT compiler from a toy input byte-code language, but mapping to a realistic semantics for x86. The compiler produces comparable code quality to C for a GCD example.

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Tech Talk: Hoare-Logic – fiddly details and small print

[Note the Friday date, instead of the usual Tuesday slot.]The November 13th Galois Tech Talk will be delivered by Rod Chapman, titled Hoare-Logic – fiddly details and small print.”

  • Date: Friday, November 13th, 2009
  • Time: 10:30am – 11:30am
  • Location: Galois, Inc.421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300(3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building)Portland, OR 97204

Abstract: Hoare’s “assignment axiom” is noted for its simplicity and elegance, which seems to suggest that practical implementations are somehow “easy”. This talk will focus on our experience with SPARK – a programming language and toolset whose principal design goal is the provision of a sound Hoare-style verification system. I will concentrate on the “small print” and various fiddly (but essential) langauge features, such as volatility, I/O, dealing with commercial compilers, soundness and so on, that make the system much harder to implement than you might think.Bio: Rod Chapman is a Principal Engineer with Praxis, specializing in the design and implementation of safety and security-critical systems. He currently leads the development of the SPARK language and its associated analysis tools.Rod is a well-known conference speaker and has presented papers, tutorials, and workshops at many international events including SSTC, NSA HCSS, SIGAda, Ada-Europe and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress. In addition to SPARK, Rod has been the key contributor to many of Praxis’ major projects such as SHOLIS, MULTOS CA, Tokeneer and Software verification tools. He received a MEng in Computer Systems and Software Engineering and a DPhil in Computer Science from the University of York, England, in 1991 and 1995 respectively. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of the British Computer Society, and also an SEI-Certified PSP Instructor.

Galois has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. An RSVP is not required, but feel free to contact the organizer with questions and comments.

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Tech Talk: Testing First-Order-Logic Axioms in AutoCert

The November 3rd Galois Tech Talk will be delivered by Ki Yung Ahn, titled “Testing First-Order-Logic Axioms in AutoCert.”

  • Date: Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009
  • Time: 10:30am – 11:30am
  • Location: Galois, Inc.421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300(3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building)Portland, OR 97204

Abstract: AutoCert is a formal verification tool for machine generated code in safety critical domains, such as aerospace control code generated from MathWorks Real-Time Workshop.  AutoCert uses Automated Theorem Proving (ATP) systems based on First-Order-Logic (FOL) to formally verify safety and functional correctness properties of the code.  These ATP systems try to build proofs based on user provided domain-specific axioms, which can be arbitrary First-Order-Formulas (FOFs).  That is, these axioms are the crucial trusted base in AutoCert.  However, formulating axioms correctly (i.e.  precisely as the user had really intended) is non-trivial in practice, and speculating validity of the axioms from the ATP systems is very hard since theorem provers do not give examples or counter-examples in general.We adopt the idea of model-based testing to aid axiom authors to discover errors in axiomatization.  To test the validity of axioms, users can define a computational model of the axiomatized logic by giving interpretations to each of the function symbols and constants as computable functions and data constants in a simple declarative programming language.  Then, users can test axioms against the computational model with widely used software testing frameworks.  The advantage of this approach is that the users have a concrete intuitive model with which to test validity of the axioms, and can observe counterexamples when the model does not satisfy the axioms.  We have implemented a proof of concept tool using Template Haskell, QuickCheck, and Yices.(This is a joint work with Ewen Denney at SGT/ NASA Ames Research Center, going to be presented in the poster session at Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems this December.)Bio: Ki Yung Ahn is a Ph.D student at Portland State University working with Tim Sheard and other members of the TRELLYS project, designing and implementing a dependently typed programming language that is general purpose programming friendly. He received a BS in Computer Science from KAIST in 2002, worked as online storage service server programmer at Gretech before joining graduate program at Portland State University in 2005.  He has been working on Shared Subtypes, Korean translation of “Programming in Haskell” by Graham Hutton, and enjoying other small funs of Haskell hacking.

Galois has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. An RSVP is not required, but feel free to contact the organizer with questions and comments.

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Tech Talk: How to choose between a screwdriver and a drill

The October 27th Galois Tech Talk will be delivered by Tanya Crenshaw, titled “How to choose between a screwdriver and a drill.”

  • Date: Tuesday, October 27th, 2009
  • Time: 10:30am – 11:30am
  • Location: Galois, Inc.421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300(3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building)Portland, OR 97204

Abstract: Suppose you have two different algorithms to compute the same result. One is clearly safe. It is simple enough to verify. The other has more desirable features, but it is too complicated to verify. You want a system that can choose between these two algorithms while meeting its quality of service goals. This is the intuition behind Lui Sha’s Simplex Architecture. The intuition is simple, but its verification is not. Implementations of the Simplex Architecture are reactive systems whose properties are not always easy to express. In this talk, I’ll describe the history of Simplex, the challenges of verifying its safety properties, and a variety of approaches to modeling it, from an architecture description language to an executable specification language.Bio: Tanya L. Crenshaw is an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Portland. She teaches courses in both Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and conducts research into security for embedded systems. Before University of Portland, she worked for Wind River and Sharp Microelectronics and studied at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where she completed her Ph.D. (Her personal web-page is at:

Galois has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. An RSVP is not required, but feel free to contact the organizer with questions and comments.

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Substitution ciphers in Cryptol

Substitution ciphers are one of the oldest encryption methods, dating back to at least the 15th century. In a substitution cipher, each character in the plain-text is simply “substituted” according to a predefined map. Decryption is simply the substitution in the reverse direction. Wikipedia has a nice description of these ciphers. Obviously, you wouldn’t want your bank to use such a cipher when executing your web-based transactions! But they are fun to play around, especially when entertaining kids in hot summer days. In this post, we’ll see how to code simple substitution ciphers in Cryptol, and go a step further and actually prove that our implementation is correct.


The simplest form of substitution ciphers use a permutation of the input alphabet. That is, each letter in the input alphabet gets mapped to another in the same  alphabet. (Strictly speaking, input and output alphabets need not be the same, but nothing essential changes by making that assumption.) For instance, you might decide that your substitution will map ‘a’ to ‘q’, and ‘b’ to ‘d’, …, etc., making sure no two letters are mapped to the same target. Once this mapping is agreed on, all you have to do to encrypt a given message is to map each character to the corresponding element according to your predefined mapping rules.Here’s our Cryptol encoding of these ciphers. First, some preliminary declarations:

type Char = [8];type String(l) = [l]Char;type Table(n) = [n](Char, Char);

We’ll simply assume that the input consist of “characters,” each of which will be 8-bit quantities (i.e., numbers from 0 to 255). We will simply use ASCII encoding for normal English characters. This is captured by the Char type declaration above, which simply gives a convenient name for 8-bit wide words. The second type declaration captures sized-strings: For any given size l, the type String(l) represents a sequence of length l, containing 8-bit words. For instance, String(16) is the type of all sequences of length 16, containing numbers from 0 to 255 as elements. Finally a Table of size n is simply n-pairings of characters that form a substitution. Here’s the example table we will use:

cipherTable : Table(28);cipherTable = [| (x, y) || x <- plain || y <- cipher |]where { plain = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz .";cipher = "oebxa.cdf hijklmnzpqtuvwrygs"};

Note that our table has 28 entries (the lower-case English alphabet, plus space and the dot). A simple Cryptol sequence-comprehension succinctly zips the sequences up, forming our example table.

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