Tech talk: Verified Secure Computing using Trusted Hardware

Thursday, September 29, 2016

abstract: Security-critical applications constantly face threats from exploits in lower computing layers such as the OS and Hypervisor, or even attacks from malicious administrators. To protect sensitive data from such privileged adversaries, there is increasing development of secure hardware primitives, such as Intel SGX. Intel SGX instructions enable user mode applications to package trusted code […]

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Tech talk: Internet of Things: From Small- to Large-Scale Orchestration

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

abstract: The domain of Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding beyond research and becoming a major industrial market with such stakeholders as major manufacturers of chips and connected objects, and fast-growing operators of low-power wide-area networks. Importantly, this emerging domain is driven by applications that leverage the infrastructure to provide users with innovative, high-value […]

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Tech Talk: Hoare Monitor Programming Revisited : Safe and Optimized Concurrency

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

abstract: Hoare monitors, invented by Brinch Hansen and Hoare in 1973, are widely used to safely handle concurrent programming in different languages ranging from C++11 to Tower, an EDSL developed by Galois as part of the High-Assurance Cyber Military Systems (HACMS) DARPA program. This talk will explain how basic safety properties are assured using Tower, […]

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Tech talk: Interrupts in OS code: let’s reason about them. Yes, this means concurrency.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

abstract: Existing modeled and verified operating systems (OS’s) typically run on uniprocessor platforms and run with interrupts mostly disabled. This makes formal reasoning more tractable: execution is mostly sequential. The eChronos OS is a real-time OS used in tightly constrained devices, running on (uniprocessor) embedded micro-controllers. It is used in the DARPA-funded HACMS program, where […]

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Tech talk: Adversarial Machine Learning, Privacy, and Cybersecurity in the Age of Data Science

Friday, March 25, 2016

abstract: Due to the exponential growth of our ability to collect, centralize, and share data in recent years we have been able tackle problems previously assumed to be insurmountable. Ubiquitous sensors, fast and efficient machine learning, and affordable commercial-off-the-shelf technologies have not only deepened our understanding of our world, but also democratized these capabilities. As […]

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Tech talk: Toward Extracting Monadic Programs from Proofs

Friday, March 18, 2016

abstract: The Curry-Howard Isomorphism motivates the well known proofs-as-programs interpretation. Under that interpretation, sufficiently different proofs yield different programs. This work is a step toward extracting monadic programs from proofs. In working with the list monad as a motivating example, we discovered that the standard type bind (M a -> (a -> M b) -> […]

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Tech talk: Designing a practical dependently typed language

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

abstract: The last decade has seen many success stories for verified programming with dependent types, including the CompCert verified C compiler, verified libraries for concurrency and security, and machine-checked proofs of results like the four color theorem and the Feit-Thompson theorem. Despite these successes, dependently typed languages are rarely used for day-to-day programming tasks. In […]

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Tech talk: Evidence-based Trust of Symbolic Execution-based Verification

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

abstract: Software-dependent critical systems that impact daily life are rapidly increasing in number, size, and complexity. Unfortunately, inadequate software and systems engineering can lead to accidents that cause economic disaster, injuries, or even death. There is a growing reliance on development and verification tools to reduce costs, better manage complexity, and to increase confidence in […]

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