Deep Green Seedling: Language for Investigating Myriad Eventualities


    The Language for Investigating Myriad Eventualities (LIME) is intended to serve as a domain modeling and inter-module communication language within Deep Green (DG). Given the representational requirements of DG, LIME needs to be able to encompass uncertain action outcomes, limited information and contingent planning and execution, reasoning about resources, state abstraction, trajectory constraints, temporally extended and overlapping actions, adversary planning and action, dynamically created and destroyed objects and resources, and task decomposition, among other things.
    The goal of the seedling is to provide a head start to the Deep Green program, by defining language requirements and a set of design recommendations. This report describes the current status of those design recommendations. To the extent possible, the recommendations are implementation-neutral, because there is more than one way to approach these problems and, more pragmatically, the DG program has not yet started, so exactly how the software gets implemented depends on who gets the contract.

