Bringing the Power of GPUs to Haskell

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This Galois tech talk was held on Tuesday, September 2nd, 10.30am. Sean Lee from UNSW, Sydney, talked about programming GPUs from Haskell. Here’ s the abstract  (.pdf slides):Bringing the Power of GPUs into the Haskell WorldGpuGen: Bringing the Power of GPUs into the Haskell WorldAbstract

For the last decade, the performance of GPUs has out-grown CPUs, and their programmability has also improved to the level where they can be used for general-purpose computations. Nonetheless, GPU programming is still limited only to those who understand the hardware architecture and the parallel processing. This is because the current GPU programming systems are based on the specialized parallel processing model, and require low-level attention in many aspects such as thread launching and synchronization.The need for a programming system which provides a high-level abstraction layer on top of the GPU programming systems without losing the performance gain arises to facilitate the use of GPUs. Instead of writing a programming system from the scratch, the development of a Haskell extension has been chosen as the ideal approach, since the Haskell community has already accumulated a significant amount of research and resources for Nested Data Parallelism, which could be adopted to provide a high-level abstraction on GPU programming and even to broaden the applicability of GPU programming. In addition, the Foreign Function Interface of Haskell is sufficient to be the communication medium to the GPU.GpuGen is what connects these two dots: GPUs and Haskell. It compiles the collective data operations such as scan, fold, map, etc, which incur most computation cost, to the GPU. The design of the system, the structure of the GpuGen compiler, and the current development status are to be discussed in the talk.

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