Multiple Analyses for Domain Separation (MADS) Tool

Model Format: AADL

The MADS tool assesses domain isolation in AADL system architecture models. The developer defines the domains and their boundaries, and the MADS tool identifies the components within each domain and confirms that domains do not have components in common. If domains do share components, then the MADS tool raises an error and identifies those components. To remove the error, the developer revises either the system architecture or the domain definitions.

The MADS tool supports analyses for multiple classes of domain isolation simultaneously to help the developer identify defects arising in one class due to model changes associated with a different class. The developer represents each class of domain isolation analysis with a unique, user-defined string (e.g., “Security”, “Fault”, “Safety”, etc.). The developer may assign tags representing multiple classes to a component. The MADS tool selects the appropriate tag to perform domain isolation analysis for that class.