Mike Dodds joins Galois as Principal Investigator

We’re excited to announce that Mike Dodds is joining Galois as a Principal Investigator. Dr. Dodds was previously a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of York and has focused on using formal techniques to verify software correctness. His specific research interests include automated reasoning, separation logic, and concurrent data-structure correctness. For a detailed look at his previous research and publications, see Dr. Dodds’ University of York page.

Among his other accomplishments, Dr. Dodds was also the recipient of a Royal Society Industry Fellowship to work with Microsoft Research. This project focused on automatically verifying high-performance concurrent algorithms, which are critical components of modern computer systems.

At Galois, Dr. Dodds plans to apply his expertise to larger and more complex verification problems. “I’m very excited to be joining at Galois.” Dr. Dodds said. “Galois are world leaders in verification research and practice. As part of the Galois team, I’m looking forward to undertaking ambitious verification projects aimed at real-world computer systems.”