Tech Talk: Enabling Portable Build Systems

Galois is pleased to host the following tech talk. These talks are open to the interested public. Please join us!


title:Enabling Portable Build Systems (slides)speaker:Rogan Creswick, Galois, Inc.time:10:30am, Tuesday 05 October 2010location:Galois Inc.421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, Portland, OR, USA(3rd floor of the Commonwealth building)abstract:Modern computing--and high-performance computing in particular--utilizes a variety of hardware and software platforms. These differences make it difficult to develop build systems that are robust to platform changes. Our goal is to investigate the design of portable build systems that are simple yet sufficiently robust with respect to environmental changes so that software can be easily distributed and built on, and for, myriad systems. We will discuss the current state of build tools and present options for iteratively improving the reliability and utility of existing build tools while laying the groundwork for more sophisticated and flexible build systems in the future. bio:Rogan Creswick joined Galois in January of 2010, bringing expertise in programming by demonstration and natural language processing. He also harbors a love for tool development that is backed by years of academic research in usability and software engineering at Oregon State University. His work in those areas improved techniques for fault location, detection, and assertion propagation in end-user programming languages.