Tech Talk: E3DB - Tozny's End-to-End Encrypted Database

abstract:Project E3DB is a tool for programmers who want to build an end-to-end encrypted database with sharing into their projects. We are providing a command-line client for you to play with and a Java SDK to prototype with. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be getting feedback from you, adding features, and making it ready for production.In this talk, Isaac will discuss what E3DB is, where it's going, and provide a tutorial for trying it out. Bring your laptop to try!More on E3DB: is a Galois product spin-off. Our mission is to make strong crypto easy for both developers and end users.

bio:Isaac is a security researcher at Galois where he has lead authentication and collaboration projects for the DoD and IC. Isaac earned his master’s degree in Cybersecurity from the University of Maryland, University College, and his B.S. in Computer Science from Ohio State University. In 2013, Isaac founded Tozny, a Galois spin-off company aimed at solving the password conundrum. Easier and more secure than passwords, Tozny replaces passwords with an easy-to-use cryptographic key on a user’s mobile phone.