MATE: Interactive Program Analysis with Code Property Graphs

Galois is open-sourcing MATE, a suite of tools for interactive program analysis with a focus on hunting for bugs in C and C++ code. MATE unifies application-specific and low-level vulnerability analysis using code property graphs (CPGs), enabling the discovery of highly application-specific vulnerabilities that depend on both implementation details and the high-level semantics of target […]

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Under-Constrained Symbolic Execution with Crucible

UC-Crux is an open-source command-line tool and Haskell library for performing under-constrained symbolic execution on LLVM code for the sake of exposing bugs or verifying the absence of certain types of undefined behavior. It requires only LLVM bitcode as input. It is built on Galois’s Crucible library for symbolic execution. Under-constrained symbolic execution (developed by […]

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