Industrial Strength Distributed Explicit Model Checking

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Galois is pleased to host the following tech talk.  These talks are open to the interested public.  Please join us!


Industrial Strength Distributed Explicit Model Checking
John Erickson
10:30am,  August 3rd, 2010
Galois Inc.421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, Portland, OR, USA(3rd floor of the Commonwealth building)
We present PReach, an industrial strength distributed explicit state model checker based on Murphi. The goal of this project was to develop a reliable, easy to maintain, scalable model checker that was compatible with the Murphi specification language. PReach is implemented in the concurrent functional language Erlang, chosen for its parallel programming elegance. We use the original Murphi front-end to parse the model description, a layer written in Erlang to handle the communication aspects of the algorithm, and also use Murphi as a back-end for state expansion and to store the hash table. This allowed a clean and simple implementation, with the core parallel algorithms written in under 1000 lines of code. This talk describes the PReach implementation including the various features that are necessary for the large models we target. We have used PReach to model check an industrial cache coherence protocol with approximately 30 billion states. To our knowledge, this is the largest number published for a distributed explicit state model checker. PReach has been released to the public under an open source BSD license.
John Erickson is a Design Engineer at Intel Hillsboro.  He graduated with his PhD in Computer Science from The University of Texas at Austin in 2008.  Currently he is working on the validation of uncore components in a 50+ core processor using a variety of formal and dynamic techniques. Past research interests include theorem proving with a focus on lemma generation and generalization in the context of induction.